Dr. Peter Schuetz

Dr. Peter Schütz

Deutsche Version English version

Dr. pth. sc. Peter Schütz, M.Sc. MBA

borne August 21st 1952, Vienna
tel: +43 676 849 112 218
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Brunn am Gebirge & Vienna

  • Office for consulting, mediation, short term intervention & psychotherapy 
  • Training, Supervision & Coaching  
  • Organisation development for Industry and authorities in Austria & CEE


Key topics

  • Made to measure projects
  • Recruiting & analysis of the candidates potential 
  • Consulting for teams, conflicts and organisations
  • Government licenced training for Coaching, Mediation, Supervision & Psychotherapy


University education

  • MSc social science
  • Pre clinical med 
  • MSc Health Mgmt. M.Sc. (Corv. Uni Budapest)
  • wwedu Schumpeter Institut (MBA)
  • Psychotherapy science SFU  Vienna (Dr. pth. sc.)


Qualifikations and funktions

  • Journalist and foreign correspondent
  • Senior trainer & mediator ÖTZ-NLP&NLPt
  • Group mtrainer & Supervisor ÖAGG
  • Health psychologist 
  • Teaching psychotherapeut ÖAGG/NLPt
  • Law court sworn expert for coaching (schuetz.at/gsv)
  • Psychodrama Assistant (ÖAGG)
  • Teaching coach & teaching supervisor BÖP. EUCF
  • EMDR instructor
  • Licensed apprentice instructor 1989
  • Consultant CMC & LSB 1989
  • Counselor grad. BVPPT

  • Labour law judge ASG.1997-02
  • Civil law and business mediator 2004
  • Business investigator 2004
  • Education counselor according § 107 Abs. 3 Z 1 AußStrG


Languages: Englisch , German, some Hungarian

University lectureships for:
Medical psychology, consultants behavior communications training/NLP conflict management, negotiation skills

Executive www.nlpzentrum.at
Executive www.emdr.at
CEO www.schuetz.at

Member of the consultants group of the chamber of commerce

Publications: www.schuetz.at/ps

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